Delivery Tools for
Performance and Transition

In 2024, 64 countries representing 3.98 billion of the world’s population are holding elections. Prime Ministers, Ministers and Mayors can use Gaiasoft’s Delivery Unit platform to change course and deliver more for less, across ministries, departments, agencies and devolved governments.

In this Age of Change and Transition, Gaiasoft works with governments, communities, private sector and global agencies. Providing configurable software platforms such as PROMIS for performance and stability in transition. Bending the curve of investment and economic development for a sustainable, resilient and thriving future.

Use Gaiasoft's Delivery Unit platform to achieve more with less by unblocking results to power successful delivery.

Use Gaiasoft's PROMIS platform to manage and coordinate transition by linking short term actions to implement annual, medium and long term plans.

Unleash the power of aligned and effective government through Accountable Delegation to ministries and Devolution for cities and territories.

World Bank contracted Gaiasoft to develop and assist 14 Delivery Units that show devolution working for citizens

World Bank Kenya contracted Gaiasoft to develop and operationalize Delivery Units in 14 sub-national governments under Kenya Accountable Devolution Program. 300 projects were prioritised by counties as projects to deliver benefits citizens could feel. Sectors such as infrastructure investment, health, education, climate smart agriculture, climate resilience and water security. Of the 300 projects a single project delivered $10m annual increase in own-source revenues. The UK Blair government’s Delivery Unit model was adapted for use by multiple levels of government. The approach was tested in 2 counties, refined and scaled to deliver 10x – 100x Return on Investment across 14 counties. Incremental spending for counties was minimal. Documented results were transformational unblocking, accelerating and scaling results from budgets already allocated and spent.

Deliver more, in less time for less cost. Benefit from Gaiasoft’s World Bank contracted, tested and proven experience modelled from Blair government’s Delivery Unit. Conservatively 10x and 100x Return on Investment across 14 devolved governments. Identify results that matter to citizens. Use proven steps to unblock what’s stuck and report evidence of benefits. Use Gaiasoft platform automation to free up (90% of) time for officials. Use that time and brain power to answer 6 coaching questions that add to available budget and unblock existing projects. Deliver more results for communities within existing budgetary constraints.

NIC Brazil has partnered with Gaiasoft since 2009. Co-designing and delivering Territorial Transformations with support of “PROMIS for Transition”

Gaiasoft PROMIS for Transition: Performance Reporting Optimization MIS

Territorial Transformation enables territories such as regions, states and municipalities to engage stakeholders, plan and implement transitions such as:

  • Restoration of regions impacted by extractive industries
  • Ensuring that new and growing extractive industries benefit populations
  • Developing and realising a new future free from intergenerational disadvantage in education, health and prosperity
  • Developing sustainable tourism based on longevity enhancing services.

Cities Alliance used Gaiasoft to Discover and Scale Resilience Solutions Across Cities Network

Cities Alliance, a part of UNOPS, used Gaiasoft’s platform and process for knowledge sharing and learning. Resulting in simplified programme oversight, better evidence, faster decision making, cost savings and scalable knowledge products. The “Future Cities Africa” project used Gaiasoft Platform to discover and scale-up effective solutions across a network of 23 cities in 4 countries.

Use Gaiasoft’s solution to benchmark across your network of cities, a region or territory. Assess needs, discover what works and scale-up. (Based on UK Blair Government’s Neighbourhood Renewal Unit (NRU) process. UK DFID/FCDO financed and contracted through G-Cloud).

$11.2 billion UK International Climate Fund used Gaiasoft’s platform for M&E and active management of climate spend for 134 countries

UK International Climate Fund (ICF) used Gaiasoft platform to improve climate finance results reporting (M&E), knowledge sharing, analysis and learning. Improved reporting includes climate finance Infographics for demonstrating spend and impact by country. Country infographics used to inform, engage and inspire country beneficiaries during and following negotiations for Paris Agreement. Real-time information enabled active management of the $11.2 billion program. Gaiasoft’s back office supported UK teams at international meetings and negotiations with analysis and reports on-demand.

Plan & Policy Implementation

Ensure that policies and programmes are successfully implemented. Make programmes implementation-ready using MIDIR Methodology. Implement using Gaiasoft platform with Real-time M&E and in-course correction based on results.

Programme Learning

Learn from every objective implemented, every activity and every report collected. Programmes and policies learn and improve fast based on evidence: through careful information design, good process and the Gaiasoft Knowledge Platform.  Knowledge Products support multiple learner roles and profiles.

Large Scale Capacity Building

Build capacity on a massive scale using simple processes, checklists, maturity models and Knowledge Products. Knowledge Products simplify the work. Programme implementers learn on the job through progressive elearnings. Programme designers receive feedback to improve policy based on evidence.

Meshwork Process — for aligned vision and collaborative plan

A Meshwork Process expands ambition in complex change processes - beyond what is expected to - consider what is needed. Diverse stakeholder groups develop collective intelligence.

With a shared framework, people, knowledge and resources can self-organise to create a shared vision and plan to achieve a shared goal. Aligned stakeholders own the vision and plan for their shared future. A Meshwork process creates breakthrough insight: an “earth from space” moment, when everyone “in the room” sees the whole, the system, of which they are a part.

The Meshwork Process was developed by Gaiasoft in collaboration with Centre for Human Emergence Netherlands and the Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence.

Gaiasoft for Value for Money, Speed and Scale in Meeting Territorial, National, Regional and Global Needs

Net Zero, energy security, climate change, resilience, economic development, urbanization and migration: every agency and government has its challenges. Work with Gaiasoft to achieve much more with much less. The need for effective practitioners and consultants is outstripping demand: there are simply not enough experts available. How can more be achieved, saving time for good people at less cost?

Consultancies, governments and agencies turn to Gaiasoft for a breakthrough in value for money: reducing cost of programme management, improving speed of learning and speed of implementation.

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